Thursday, July 28, 2011

IMF Trim U.S. Economic Growth Projection

SAN PAULO. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) cut its U.S. growth forecasts. Donor agencies also warned the United States and European countries are in debt to take immediate steps resolve its budget deficit.

In its report, the IMF expects economic growth in the United States this year only by 2.5% and 2.7% next year. In fact, two months earlier, the agency is projecting growth of borrowers Uwak Affairs Sam by 2.8% this year and 2.9% next year.

The IMF revised its economic growth because of the threat to the United States compared to the growing conditions two months ago. Director of the IMF Monetary and Capital Markets said Jose Vinals, political debate in the United States about the debt limit has raised fears the country defaulted. "We very clearly are entering a new phase of global crisis. I call this phase of political crisis," he said on Friday (17 / 6).

In addition, the IMF also said the debt crisis of the European countries and the signs of the economy in emerging market countries that started overheating (overheating) as a threat to global economic growth. The IMF said the disagreement EU leaders on the second aid package for the Greek gods have pushed the country into a state of default.

The condition worsened with the situation in the country of Greece. Just so you know, Greece lately hit by protests and a massive strike.

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